June 08, 2020 2 min read


Golden pothos and spider plant thrive together in this system growing at many times the rate they would in soil. Sequestering more carbon and releasing more oxygen.I chose Pothos and spider plant simply because that's what I had on hand. Pretty much any plant can thrive in this system including your favorite culinary herbs.

They are rooted in hydroton in a flood tray on a Costco food service shelf on wheels. I cant tell you how much having wheels on in improves the experience.  From making maintenance a breeze to easy positioning for the best lighting, the mobile part of this setup is my favorite part of it.


A 4 bulb T5HO lamp is suspended just below the top shelf and is on for about 4 to 6 hours a day. Usually controlled y a timer, sometimes by mood. The  reservoir is an old aquarium that holds approximately 25 to 30 gallons of water. I use reverse osmosis water exclusively on all my plants. The pump is always on. Continuous flow. I use general hydroponics nutrients at 1/4 the strength recommended on the bottle. (these nutrients are designed for cannabis which has somewhat different needs than your average houseplant.)


Parts list:
Costco shelve unit                          $100
Sun systems T5HO light                $100
Pump                                            $50
PVC and fittings                           $50
Aquarium                                     $30
Flood tray                                     $30
Hydroton                                     $20
Multi socket extension                $10
Timer                                         $20
$410 approximate total cost of ownership



2 years ago.

Horticulture Chris

Botaniking 2020.

Come grow with us.


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